Customer Information
Only people listed on the loan agreement will have access to your vehicle. It is suggested that you list your spouse.
RV's height restriction of 7 ft
Boats to be discussed on a per case basis
Spouse/Secondary Access
Spouse/Secondary Access Contact
Vehicle Information
Please provide proof of your vehicles insurance.
Monday...........By Appointment Only
Tuesday...........10 a.m to 3 p.m.
Wednesday.....10 a.m to 3 p.m.
Thursday..........10 a.m to 3 p.m.
Friday...............10 a.m to 5 p.m.
Saturday...........10 a.m to 5 p.m.
Sunday.............12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
*Closed on Mondays
MM slash DD slash YYYY
The information collected below will be used to create the storyboard for your vehicle please make sure the information is accurate to the best of your knowledge and include the images that you would like to see displayed.
General Vehicle Details
Add your daily driver so you will be able to leave it in your reserved parking spot for no charge.
1. The Kansas City Automotive Museum’s “The Underground” (KCAM-UNDERGROUND) hereby agrees to license usage of a parking space for LICENSEE to store LICENSEE’S vehicle(s) as described above. The LICENSEE certifies that any vehicles parked in the KCAM-UNDERGROUND facility are in stable condition for packing and transport to KCAM-UNDERGROUND.
2. LICENSEE will supply KCAM-UNDERGROUND with a written description of any cosmetic flaws, damage or condition issues of any vehicle prior to its arrival at the KCAM-UNDERGROUND. Otherwise, it will be assumed the vehicle is received by KCAM-UNDERGROUND in the same condition as when LICENSEE parked the vehicle. KCAM-UNDERGROUND staff will perform a condition report and photograph any visible issues for our records for any vehicle upon arrival.
3. KCAM-UNDERGROUND will monitor vehicle entry and exit through a tracking sheet. If a vehicle leaves KCAM-UNDERGROUND, the condition of the vehicle is assumed as agreed upon in the condition report.
4. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing with the LICENSEE and by KCAM-UNDERGROUND, the LICENSEE is responsible for all transport costs. The LICENSEE must inform the KCAM-UNDERGROUND in writing of all transportation details at least 4 business days in advance of vehicle delivery and removal. LICENSEE is responsible for parking LICENSEE'S own vehicle. KCAM-UNDERGROUND staff will not exercise control or possession over any vehicle stored in its facility
5. KCAM-UNDERGROUND staff will not move any vehicles unless requested and authorized by LICENSEE. Any such movement by KCAM-UNDERGROUND staff does not constitute a change of possession of the vehicle from LICENSEE to KCAM-UNDERGROUND, nor does such movement create a bailment between LICENSEE and KCAM-UNDERGROUND.
6. LICENSEE Access: LICENSEE has unrestricted access to any vehicle stored at KCAM-UNDERGROUND during advertised operating hours. If LICENSEE requests access to LICENSEE’S vehicle outside of advertised operating hours, KCAM-UNDERGROUND must be notified in writing at least 24 hours in advance.
7. LICENSEE may not perform any maintenance, restoration, conservation, stabilization, or refurbishment to any vehicle while on KCAM-UNDERGROUND property. If repairs to a vehicle are necessary, the LICENSEE must arrange for its off site maintenance and transportation at the LICENSEE’S expense and will inform the KCAM-UNDERGROUND of this action in writing at least 3 days in advance.
8. KCAM-UNDERGROUND may request removal of a vehicle at any time by sending written notice by certified mail to the LICENSEE at the address shown on the face of this agreement. Failure by the LICENSEE to remove the vehicle within 30 days after mailing of this notice will constitute authorization to the KCAM-UNDERGROUND to return such vehicle to the LICENSEE collect, or to store it in any manner the KCAM-UNDERGROUND may elect at the LICENSEE’S expense.
9. In case of removal by other than LICENSEE, the legal representative of the LICENSEE is required to notify KCAM-UNDERGROUND staff, supplying full name and address, and enclosing a certified copy of the document establishing authority.
10. Kansas City’s Car Collection Tours and Events: LICENSEE acknowledges that KCAM-UNDERGROUND will hold tours and special events in The Underground. At no point will there be access by the public to the facility without a KCAM-UNDERGROUND staff member present. If LICENSEE wishes their vehicle to be excluded from such tours, the LICENSEE should specify in the Special Conditions section.
11. KCAM-UNDERGROUND staff is authorized to remove vehicle covers without notification of or permission from the LICENSEE unless specifically stated under Special Conditions section.
12. KCAM-UNDERGROUND will provide LICENSEE with a storyboard of LICENSEE’S vehicle as a gift. LICENSEE may have input as to what story will be shared, however KCAM-UNDERGROUND reserves the right to produce storyboards using museum best practices.
13. Battery tender stalls are available. LICENSEE agrees to use a KCAM-UNDERGROUND approved battery tender. A list of approved battery tenders is on the General Information page.
14. LICENSEE understands that vehicle gasoline tank must be no more than ¼ of the way full. KCAM-UNDERGROUND recommends limiting other flammable fluids, however this is not required.
15. LICENSEE must provide non-porous drip pan(s) if a vehicle has fluid leaks. If there is damage due to leaks, LICENSEE is responsible for cleaning the floor of fluids.
16. Security: KCAM-UNDERGROUND offers 24/7/365 monitored security as well as controlled access and staff onsite during advertised hours. See Insurance and Limitation of Liability section for specifics to vehicle/property damage or loss.
17. KCAM-UNDERGROUND will provide a 8.5 ft by 20 ft space for vehicles. LICENSEE acknowledges that the provided 8.5 ft by 20 ft space is for storage of only one vehicle. If LICENSEE violates agreement, KCAM-UNDERGROUND reserves the right to process an additional charge to monthly payment without notice. Motorcycles will be provided with a 8.5 ft by 10 ft space.
18. LICENSEE acknowledges the The Underground is a temperature controlled facility, meaning temperature fluctuates from a low of 40 degrees and a high of 90 degrees fahrenheit, with normal temperature averaging 70 degrees fahrenheit.
1. Insurance must be carried by the LICENSEE for the duration of the license period. LICENSEE represents that LICENSEE owns the vehicle and maintains adequate property insurance on the vehicle. KCAM-UNDERGROUND can accept no responsibility for any error or deficiency in information furnished to the LICENSEE’S insurers or for lapses in coverage.
2. In the event of damage to the vehicle, LICENSEE agrees to seek recovery for all damages, costs, and expenses relating to damage to the vehicle while stored in KCAM-UNDERGROUND solely from LICENSEE’S insurance. LICENSEE waives any claims LICENSEE may have against KCAM-UNDERGROUND, or its officers, agents, or employees for any damage to or the destruction of the vehicle or in any way related to this permit, unless a final determination is made that the damage was solely caused by the willful misconduct of KCAM-UNDERGROUND. LICENSEE acknowledges and agrees that the release it gives upon executing this Agreement applies to all claims for damages, or losses (including future claims whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, or patent or latent). This means, in part, that the undersigned is releasing unknown future claims.
3. LICENSEE acknowledges that no bailment is created by this Agreement. LICENSEE acknowledges that KCAM-UNDERGROUND does not accept possession of any vehicle LICENSEE chooses to store in KCAM-UNDERGROUND pursuant to the license granted herein.
1. Permission to photograph stored vehicle(s) and/or use images of the stored vehicle(s) for commercial purposes and non-commercial publications and materials connected with the exhibition, including but not limited to promotional use, website use, exhibition catalog, brochures, banners, and other printed marketing materials is granted to KCAM-UNDERGROUND without fees, unless stated otherwise by the LICENSEE in the Special Conditions section, and agreed to by KCAM-UNDERGROUND.
2. Any use of images produced by KCAM-UNDERGROUND of the stored vehicles will include the credit line listed on Page 1, unless otherwise requested by the LICENSEE.
3. If the LICENSEE is the owner of the copyright for the stored vehicle(s), or the image of the stored vehicle(s) is being used for the above listed purposes, this Agreement grants KCAM-UNDERGROUND non-exclusive worldwide license, in perpetuity, to use provided images of the loan object(s) for the above listed purposes.
1. LICENSEE must keep the KCAM-UNDERGROUND informed of changes in address or legal ownership of stored vehicles. In some instances if there is a continuous prolonged period of no contact and/or a failure by LICENSEE to update the ownership information, license term or status with the KCAM-UNDERGROUND, the vehicle may be considered abandoned by law and donated to KCAM-UNDERGROUND under Revised Statutes of Missouri Section 304.157.
2. By signing this agreement, the LICENSEE certifies that the LICENSEE is the legal owner of the listed property. If there is a change of legal ownership while the object(s) is/are on loan to KCAM-UNDERGROUND, the KCAM-UNDERGROUND must be notified in writing and provided with proof of the new owner’s legal ownership status. Otherwise, objects will be returned to the original LICENSEE.
1. The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably any dispute, controversy or claim, breach of contract, termination or invalidity thereof arising out of, or relating to this Agreement. Where the Parties wish to seek an amicable settlement through mediation or conciliation, such mediation or conciliation shall take place according to such procedures and as may be agreed between the Parties. Unless any such dispute, controversy or claim, breach of contract, termination or invalidity arising out of or relating to this Agreement is not settled amicably within twenty (20) days after the receipt by one Party of the other Party’s request for such amicable settlement, such dispute, controversy or claim shall be referred by either Party to arbitration in accordance with the International Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association, which rules are deemed incorporated herein by this reference.
2. LICENSEE may not assign to a third party or otherwise dispose of its rights, interests or obligations in whole or in part under this Agreement without the prior written consent of KCAM-UNDERGROUND. The provisions of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the permitted successors and assigns of the Parties.
3. If any provision of this Agreement shall be adjudged invalid for any reason whatsoever, such invalidity shall be limited to the relevant provisions and shall not affect the validity or operation of any other provision of this Agreement except only so far as shall be necessary to give effect to the construction of such invalidity, and any such invalid provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement without affecting the validity of the rest of this Agreement.
4. This Agreement may be executed by signing the original or a counterpart thereof. If this Agreement is executed in counterparts, all counterparts taken together shall have the same effect as if all the Parties had signed the same document, but no Party shall be bound to this Agreement unless and until all the Parties have executed a counterpart or original. A signature delivered by electronic means shall be considered an original for purposes of this Agreement.
5. This Agreement is binding on Parties and represents the entire understanding of the Parties, superseding any previous understanding or representation whether written or oral between the Parties.
6. Terms and conditions are subject to change. LICENSEE will be notified 30 days in advance of any changes to this agreement.
1. LICENSEE agrees to a one-time administrative fee of $50.
2. LICENSEE agrees to a minimum vehicle loan of three months.
3. LICENSEE agrees to a recurring payment to Kansas City Automotive Museum, Inc. through the end of proposed end date of license.
4. LICENSEE acknowledges that payment levels are subject to change. LICENSEE will be given a 30 day advance notice of any changes to payment levels.
5. Payments by LICENSEE will be made via ACH or Square (Point of Sale). Cash payments cannot be accepted.
6. Discounts must be approved by KCAM-UNDERGROUND representative. Discounts cannot be combined.
7. Payments will auto renew at the end of your agreed term, for the amount of your current term unless LICENSEE provides KCAM-UNDERGROUND with a written (or email) notice 30 days prior to term expiration.
8. KCAM-UNDERGROUND will prorate payments if needed.
9. In the event that LICENSEE must pause payment, KCAM-UNDERGROUND will do so immediately, however a late fee will be applied once payments resume. Failure to agreed upon payment schedule will result in a $25 fee per month of missed payment .
10. Payments not made for 30 days or greater period allows KCAM-UNDERGROUND to assume the vehicle is abandoned and a mechanics lien will be placed on the vehicle to obtain title. See Legal Ownership section.
11. KCAM-UNDERGROUND may remove vehicles from the facility at any time due to lack of payment. KCAM-UNDERGROUND is not responsible for damage to or theft of vehicles that have been removed from storage due to non-payment.
I agree to the above terms and conditions. Terms are subject to change.
Second Vehicle Information
Please provide proof of your vehicles insurance.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
2nd General Vehicle Details
Third Vehicle Information
Please provide proof of your vehicles insurance.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
3rd General Vehicle Details
Forth Vehicle Information
Please provide proof of your vehicles insurance.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
4th General Vehicle Details
Daily Driver Vehicle Information
Please provide proof of your vehicles insurance.
Daily Driver General Vehicle Details