We focus on two key user segments who are most likely to connect with our brand and contribute to realizing our vision for a new museum.
Kansas City Automotive Museum
Brand Standards
Car as the catalyst for:
Community. Education. History.
Parent brand and sub brands.
Our Audience
Car Crowd
Passionate about automobiles, this group loves cars, often lending their own vehicles for events and exhibitions. They frequently attend our gatherings, make up a significant portion of our volunteers, and are key members of our board. Their enthusiasm drives the success of our events and initiatives.
Caring Contributors
This audience values community and education, seeking meaningful ways to make an impact. Many are philanthropists who are naturally inclined to support causes that resonate with their values. Their contributions help sustain our mission and expand our outreach.
Parent brand logo and usage
We use the KCAM parent brand logo to represent the entire KCAM ecosystem including The Underground, Events and Programs. It appears in places where people encounter all of our offerings.
Kansas City Automotive Museum Logo:
- Kansas City: Customization of Air Conditioner.
- Automotive Museum: Helvetica Ultra Condensed.
- Logo Red: #B01F24
- CMYK: C 21% M 100% Y 100% K 13%
The red logo serves as our primary logo.
For single-color glyphs, use only black or white to ensure consistency and readability.
When not using the logo, “Kansas City Automotive Museum” should be written in the website’s designated fonts for consistency.
Kansas City Automotive Museum Website Standards
- H1 Headings: Oswald
- H5 Headings: Oswald with 0.428em letter spacing
- Paragraphs: Roboto
- Buttons: Roboto
- Red Font Color: #DB173B
- Gray Footer Background: #474A4F
- Red Highlight Color: #C32D2D
- Light Gray: #FAFAFA
- Red Event Color: #C32D2D
Sub brands
The Underground Logo:
- The: Acumin Variable Concept
- Underground: Axia Stencil
- Logo Gray: #374140
- CMYK: C 73% M 58% Y 61% K 47%
The Gray logo serves as our primary logo.
For single-color glyphs, use only black or white to ensure consistency and readability.
The Great Car Show Logo:
- THE GREAT CAR SHOW: Unknown San-Serif
- DATE: Myriad Pro stroke weight .25
- Logo Gold: #C6922C
- CMYK: C 22% M42% Y 100% K 3%
Women & Wheels Logo:
- WOMEN & WHEELS: Unknown San-Serif
- Logo BLUE: #0E4D94
- CMYK: C 100% M 80% Y 11% K 1%
- Logo GRAY: #C0C0C0
- CMYK: C 25% M 20% Y 20% K 0%